Indian Muslim Association – Youth Wing (IMA YW), Kuwait hosted more than 100 Indian volunteers (men, women and children), near Chili’s Restaurant, beside Kuwait Tower on 16th November 2013 at 10 am in a beach cleanup drive. The event was organized in cooperation with The Environment Voluntary Foundation (EVF), Kuwait that provided full support to the event.
The day was organized to raise awareness about the damage we are causing to the environment and sea by not keeping the beaches clean. All learned that trash on our beaches eventually flow into sea, where pollution can harm the animals/fishes that inhabit there.
A good trip to the beach comes with sun, sand and relaxation. Mr. Waleed Al Fadhel, Head of EVF, Kuwait explained that the water at the beaches might be contaminated by human waste, putting yours as well as animals’ health at risk. He explained that the plastic bags in water resemble Jelly fish which other fishes eat and get killed. Such incidents lead to disturbing the environmental balance.
Mr. Noman Vasaikar, Member, IMA, Kuwait in his remarks briefed about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in Islam. He explained that it is the responsibility of each person to make sure that he keeps his surrounding clean. Even the angels who visit the earth do not go to places that are filthy or filled with trash. Moreover, it was explained that a Muslim has equal responsibility towards environment, nature and animals as it is towards humankind.
After the collection of trash in more than 100 bags, many relaxed and enjoyed the beach. All volunteers were served with refreshments, tea and juices. A beautiful memento and certificate of appreciation was presented by EVF to Mr. Rizwan Ahmed, President, IMA Youth Wing, Kuwait and Mr. Ahmed Ali Syed, Secretary, IMA, Kuwait. The event lasted for around 2 hours.
The objective of the beach cleanup drive, an initiative from Social Service Wing of Indian Muslim Association – Youth Wing (IMA YW), Kuwait, was not just to clean a beach but to inculcate good habits in families and make them realize that they are taking steps in creating a good environment around them. The major take away from the event was that it is time to reverse the damage we have been mounting up from many years on the beaches and move towards a greener and cleaner environment.