Under the auspices of the Ministry of Awqaf and Masjid Al-Kabir, Indian Muslim Association (IMA) organized Public Programs on “Arafat Day” in Abbasiya, Khaitan, Salmiya and Abu Halifa units.
Renowned Islamic Scholars delivered speeches on various topics such as “Importance of the Day of Arafa”, “objectives of Hajj”, “The message Eid ul Adha” and the Farewell Sermon of our Prophet SAWS.
It was emphasized to the public that The Day of Arafah, the 9th of Dhu al Hajja, is a very sacred day and Is the second day of the Hajj. It is a recommended sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) for those who are not performing Hajj to fast on this day and it expiates the sins of the past year and the coming year.
Separate arrangements for ladies were made to accommodate families. Snacks were served at the end.